


Our Cooperative will furnish You the personnel with the professional profile from You required and previously agreement.

The personnel adherent to our Cooperative has been selected by our persons responsible verifying quality, competences and titles.
The insertion inside our database guarantees certainties on curriculum and ability.
Nothing has been left to the case considering the request of the client of primary importance we have done him that Your request were sifted and personally elaborated by our collaborators with the purpose to find the proper person for the necessities described in the form by You compiled avoiding useless losses of time in the selection of the proper profile.

If restrains opportune you can directly choose the present personnel inside our database, previously selected by our persons responsible.

We are able to also furnish you coverage of professional figures from You applications with brief warnings.

We offer without notice availability for daily exits. with empty annual contract for full or without contract (Emergency Calls).

We also provide professionals for possible custom demands, to define with our persons responsible.

Crew Charter doesn't ask for errands or additional costs for the supply of the you deliver crews of which for the availability is asked.

Contact us to ask for the necessary professional figures to You


Captain Alessandro Giannilivigni - mobile phone +39 348 3660262


Thank you for having visited Crew & Yachts Charter